When you're done, you choose a credit card payment option to make the purchase. 完成后,您要选择信用卡支付选项来进行购买。
Most courses have the option to purchase a statement of participation to demonstrate that you have completed required elements and taken the tests. 大多数课程可以购买上课证明,以表明你完成了规定的课程并参加了考试。
After Firefly identifies an item, it presents you with the option to purchase it directly from Amazon. Firefly识别出一样物品后,会给你提供一个在亚马逊上直接购买的选项。
The option buyer has the right to demand purchase or sale of a specified currency, but no obligation to do so. 期权的购买者,有要求购入或卖出某种货币的权利,但没有义务。
Retailers, says Solis, must match competitors 'prices, because phone-wielding consumers can seek out the cheapest option when queueing to purchase goods. 索利斯表示,零售商必须与竞争者展开价格比拼,因为手持手机的消费者在排队购物时,可以搜索最便宜的选择。
The simplest option is just to delete the asset purchase reference; in that case, there is no fixed starting point for the considerable time. 最简单的选择是仅仅删除资产购买提法;那样的话,相当长时间没有一个固定的起点。
Call option: Option to purchase designated securities at a predetermined price within a specified time limit. 买入期权;购买期货权:指在限定的时间内,按预先确定的价格购买指定证券的选择权。
Option to purchase ordinary share or bond of a particular company, usually purchased by bondholder wanting to participate in profit growth of that company. 一种购买某公司的普通股或公司债券的选择权,通常是由想分享该公司利润增长的债券持有人所购买。
The owner has the option to purchase these goods, the price of which will serve as reference for Tenderee at tender evaluation. 这部分货物由业主选择购买,其费用评标时供招标机构参考。
Underwriters also have a30-day option to purchase up to1.18 million more shares to cover over-allotments. 承销商还拥有为期30天的选择权,可以最多再超额认购118万股股票。
The option to purchase the ten percent ( 10%) of Huikang is considered "earned" by RSH as of the first day of trading of Huikang's stock on one of the US stock exchanges. 慧康公司股票在美国交易所之一上市交易的第一天起,瑞星思达购买百分之十的慧康公司股权的权利将被认为已经被瑞星思达“挣得”。
However, I would like to emphasize that a one-year arrangement would not be acceptable at all; the duration must last for at least seven years with a guaranteed option to purchase. 但我要强调,一年期方案根本不能接受,时间上至少要七年,要有选择收购担保协议。
Your exclusive remedy and Lenovo's entire liability under this warranty will be for Lenovo at its option to repair or replace the Product or refund your purchase price less any rebates. 您获得的唯一救济和联想在本保修条件下的全部责任将是,根据联想的选择,修理或更换缺陷产品,或在扣除折旧费后将您购买产品的价款退还给您。
On the Infringement of Statutory Option to Purchase On the Legal System of Infracting Creditor's Rights 论侵害法定先买权浅析侵害债权制度
Partial option to purchase refers to the right of preemption for shareholders to purchase part of the shares transferred by the limited-liability company. 部分行使股权优先购买权是指有限责任公司股东在转让股份时,其他股东希望只优先购买被转让股份中的一部分。
The objective function is the meaning of choosing the purchase option, which is to enable the purchase cost smallest, meanwhile ensure that the probability of achieving its request to the confidence level. 由于目标函数的含义是选择合同购买量,也就是要使得购买费用最小的同时还要保证其实现的概率达到要求的置信水平。